micro fibre line

Our microfibre line (FL) can produce mono or multifilaments filaments from just a few grams of material in just 10 - 15 min, thus stretching the number of screenings and shrinking your development time. Our microfibre spin line is fully compatible with our high precision micro compounders and extruders. Cutting edge laboratories use the FL to make maximum use of (costly) synthesized materials and (expensive) additives and to save development time.

micro fibre line

Key features

  • Smaller samples, faster sample generation. Only a fraction of material is used compared to conventional fibre development.

  • Continuous feeder kit. No need for an additional spinning pump, as our micro compounder is featured with throughput control to secure uniform fibre diameter.

  • High-speed winding unit (up to 200 m/min) and low speed stretching unit. This innovative design allows the equipment to fit on a laboratory bench.

  • Variable settings. Speed, overlap pitch, heating modes and other settings can be adjusted to produce diverse types of fibres.

  • Fibre can be heated via radiation in the "hot shoe" or via conduction with optional "hot pin"

  • Selection of fibre dies.

  • Optional multi filament die; must be connected with our Xplore MC 15 compounder.

  • Optional quench box and wetting ("avivage") unit.

  • Optional continuous forced feeding kit; which consists of a volumetric feeder, water-cooled top hopper and elongated forced feeding screws.

  • Note: One of the two units of the FL can be acquired separately


Injection Moulder 12 ML: IM 12


Multifilament Die